Friday, October 28, 2011

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Notice, please read:

Hi Everyone! This is just a friendly reminder asking all of you to please become a member (if you are not already) because if you are and we don't post anything for awhile, you wont have to keep checking our  blog because you will know when nothing new is sent to your e-mail account that nothing new is on our blog and when your sent something from us, then you will know to check Girlz Town and something new will have been posted.
      Long notice short, please sign up to be a member. (Its free!) 

American Girlz

Leah and Sadie adore American Girl Dolls and sometimes make things for them.

      Take a look and see what Leah, Sadie and their friends are making over the weekend.

Here is a lovely school day scene with Samantha  teaching class while Elizabeth is off at lunch.
And here is Samantha Parkington washing her hands in the ladies room that was made by Leah,Sadie and friends.